
What is Agrobiology?

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What is Agrobiology?


Agrobiologiy naturally its contribution to the GDP would be statistically visible but this contribution is declining year by year so any sort of decline or stagnation is bad for the nation and will have serious implications on the society government is dedicated towards the development of this sector by joining hands with Indian Council of agricultural research many agricultural universities many veterinary services and numerous animal breeding centers so all sorts of R&D is being carried out by the government now another challenge that our country faces today is that our GDP is increasing but the employment opportunity is not I'll just give you an brief illustration as to what I just said so GDP is nothing but the value of all the finished goods and services produced within a country now I want you to imagine two countries having GDP of 100 so country a has 100 and country B has 100 and also assume their population is the same that is 10 people so in country a 10 people are earning 10 rupees in order to generate a GDP of 100 fair enough now in country B 5 people are earning 20 rupees each in order to generate a GDP of 100 and rest 5 people are unemployed so you see increase in GDP does not mean the country is doing well in terms of M now with the similar principle we can also think of it this way though the GDP must be increasing for


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